Sunday, June 5, 2016

Seoyeon Choi/Assignment 2/Friday3-4


  1. elf Evaluation: First of all, it was better to have a visual material since I was able to actually show the audience about the things that I was explaining. I found out that I occasionally leaned backwards when I pointed at the slides; maybe I was thinking that I would be blocking the view. Also, unlike the first assignment, I saw myself furrowing eyebrows when I was emphasizing something, and it seemed that I was doing it a bit often. I should mind that next time I make a presentation. In addition, it felt that I was looking at the slides too long when speaking sometimes.
    This time the room that we filmed our presentation was smaller and my eye contact was more focused to the camera because it was much closer to me. It could have been better if I made more eye contact with the ones on my right.

  2. Speaking Feedback
    Speaker: Seoyeon Choi
    Evaluator: Sun Jin Kim

    1. What strong points does the speaker have?

    This speaker is very talented in giving speeches. She first of all has the speech memorized but doesn’t seem to rely on her memory. Also, she has a good speaking voice, good gestures, and good organization.

    2. How well did the audience get to know the speech subject?

    The audience got to know the subject very well. The speech was a very thorough explanation about the Oktoberfest.

    3. Did the speech reflect adequate preparation?

    This speech had more than adequate preparation. The speaker had excellent preparation of the material; including her PPT, speech, and delivery.

    4. Did the speaker talk clearly and audibly?

    The speaker had good pronunciation, intonation, emphasis, and volume. She spoke with confidence and had a good speed as well.

    5. Did the speech have a definite opening, body, and conclusion?

    She has a clear opening, body, and conclusion. Each part is easy to follow.

    6. Please comment on the speaker’s use of notes/eye contact.

    In this very well done speech, one thing can be suggested to changed: eye contact. Although she doesn’t rely too much on the PPT, she still has some parts where she looks back at the PPT a few times. This disconnects the eye contact with the audience and would be worse if she was standing in front of a bigger screen. The overall use of notes, again, wasn’t that frequent, but it still was apparent enough so that I could notice myself losing a bit of attention. Next time, it would be better, maybe, to have some speaking notes so that she doesn’t have to look back at the PPT screen.

    7. What could the speaker have done differently that would have improved the speech?
    Other than the looking at the screen a bit much, nothing else was that evident. One suggestion would be to use a more diverse range of gestures to grab more attention from the audience.

    8. What did you like about the presentation?

    This presentation was perhaps the most well-presented speech I heard from this class this semester. She had good delivery, preparation, visual aids, and an interesting topic.
