Monday, April 18, 2016

Cho Jeongeun/Assignment 1/Friday 3 4

Brief self evaluation

The way I see it, I think I might need to wacth out for pronunciation, the speed of speaking and monotonous tone. To put it precisely, I've got to practice clear pronunciation, to speak slowly and to try to put the accent on important information. What' more, speaking of eye contact, I should keep more eye contect with audiences. So it is better to memorize the script. Actually what I realized is that what I practiced is totally different with the result which means video.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Cho Jeongeun
    In first sentence, I politely ask you to change wacth to watch.

  3. Date: 4/22/16
    Speaker: Cho Jeongeun
    Evaluator: Seung-Hui Jeong
    Title: Assignment 1

    1. I felt the speaker had a very clear voice and paced her speech at a very even speed which made it easy to focus.
    2. Her speech on Hong Kong was very interesting because I was able to listen to a brief background story of Hong Kong's location as well as other aspects like accommodation and various attractions.
    3. I felt the presenter was very prepared as she didn't simply read off her notes and looked at individual members of the audience all throughout her speech.
    4. The presenter spoke in a very audible manner throughout the entire speech.
    5. She clearly made it known to the audience the aspects of her topic she would be talking about in her speech in the introduction, made clear transition in the body section and finished the speech off with a clean conclusion.
    6. Her eye contact with the audience was great as she didn't linger on one particular audience for too long and looked at each individual members briefly and adequately. I could see she had her notes but it was easy to tell she simply used it for mere assistance instead of reading off from the paper.
    7. She did use hand gestures but perhaps more key gestures next time.
    8. I liked that she wasn't too rigid and looked at the audience for just the right amount of time and how she didn't seem nervous. If she was, I liked that she didn't let it show.
